Whether it's flowers starting to bloom or leaves starting to fall, each season brings along new home maintenance needs.
Cleaning gutters, fertilizing your lawn and raking leaves are all part of seasonal to-do lists. Each season calls for different measures of maintenance in order to keep your home in top condition. We will dig into each season and give a quick, easy way to stay on top of these seasonal to-do’s!

Spring Home Maintenance Tips
When the clocks jump forward, and the temperatures start to rise in the spring, it's time to turn your attention toward sprucing up your landscape and the exterior of your home. While getting your home spring ready, don’t forget to check off these 5 spring maintenance items.
Clean your windows and screens for a beautiful, clear view this blooming season!
Clean your gutters and spouts of leaves and winter debris for the rainy days ahead.
While you're on the roof checking gutters, make sure to inspect your roof for any missing or damaged shingles.
Clean window blinds and curtains to avoid possible allergy irritation and to get rid of gathered dust and dirt from the winter!
Test your fire alarms to make sure the batteries have power and the alarm works properly.

Summer Home Maintenance Tips
As temperatures rise and your family enjoys longer days, summer home maintenance means being prepared for storms and keeping your exterior beautiful!
Spring pollen, dusts and increased pet shedding mean it's time to check and change your air filter to maximize your HVAC system's performance.
Trim back trees and shrubs as needed and remove dead limbs and branches throughout the season.
Check and clean your dryer vent that leads outside your home for lint and caulk lining since dryer vents should be cleaned yearly.
Regularly check your home's siding and crawl space to asses possible weather or debris damage throughout the summer.

Fall Home Maintenance Tips
When the temperature starts to drop in the fall, it's time to start preparing your yard and home for winter!
Don't forget to check all of the smoke detectors in your home again!
Rake the leaves from your lawn so they don't breed mold and bacteria. These spots could potentially kill areas of your lawn.
Put away any outdoor furniture you might have.
If you have skirting around your home, check your skirting thoroughly to make sure there are not loose areas or holes.
Make sure your windows and doors are properly sealed so you can retain as much heat as possible during dropping temperatures.

Winter Home Maintenance Tips
Although you and your family may be spending more time indoors, you can still keep both the exterior and interior of your home in top shape! Here are 4 winter checklist items to help.
Before family and friends join you for the holidays, check your door and drawer handles for any loose hardware.
Clean and store away outdoor tools so that winter weather doesn't damage your belongings.
Get ready for winter weather by placing your shovels and snow blowers in a convenient location. Get those car scrapers ready too!
Again, before family and friends flock to your home for celebrations, check your driveway and walkways for cracks and trouble spots.
These were just a few tips to get you started, but don’t worry we have a quick and easy checklist for you!